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Something on your mind?

Many different people have counselling for many different reasons but there's often some variation of un's in the mix...feeling unhappy, unfulfilled, unbalanced, unheard, unsafe or uncertain to name but a few.


There are no right or wrongs about those things, there are different ways that we can work with whatever your un's happen to be. At Chapters our counsellors are primarily Person-Centred in their training and beliefs which means that we don't have a set agenda that we expect you to meet. Instead we take the time to understand you, what's happening and what that means for you. This is how we really 'get' you, we listen to you and we hear you.


We won't tell you what to do, you probably have enough people doing that already. Our aim is to support you, hear you, let you say the things that are painful, difficult (maybe almost impossible to say) in a safe place with a skilled but down to earth, compassionate counsellor. We'll help you find your way through whatever is going on but won't push or pull you. Don't expect us to be just sitting at you nodding though...we're much more interactive than that, we work hard with you 


It is important to remember that all counsellors are different in the same way that all clients are different, so if you have had counselling before and aren't sure about having some more sessions, remember that it's a different time with a different counsellor so the experience will be completely different, even of they work in the same kind of way. 


Counselling can be a time for understanding yourself better, coming to terms with a loss or bereavement, acknowledging difficulties in relationships, making difficult decisions, having a good cry, talking without guilt or blame, airing secrets, talking through misunderstandings, adapting to change, understanding your stress or anxiety,  creating motivation, addressing life problems and so on. In these kind of circumstances the reason to come for counselling can be quite obvious (but not always).


However, there are times when we can feel depressed or have low mood for example which can be crippling to our everyday life but we simply can't put our finger on the reason why. This can feel more complicated and frustrating. People may say you have it all, what have you got to be depressed about? You've got a good family/job/home etc...but something isn't right and you don't feel great. Counselling can be a good option here, we scratch the surface and then explore further to try and understand what it is that is going on for can be surprising sometimes when something comes tumbling out but brings relief with it. 


Counselling at Chapters is offered on a private referral basis and this comes with the benefit of not having to sit for many months on an NHS waiting list. Paying for your sessions is like an investment in yourself, getting you the help and support when you need it most.


Counselling fees are £50 per session for individuals (please note these rates are for clients paying their own fees only)​​​


Please note that we are not currently offering any couples work - this will change as availability arises.



Please contact us by telephone, email or use our contact us page to arrange your initial session.




Chapters Counselling
The Blue Bridge Centre, St Cuthbert's Way, Newton Aycliffe, County Durham, DL5 6DS


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